Friday, July 31, 2009

Addendum on Metaphor:

Recently, James Taylor has been covering a great Leonard Cohen song called Suzanne. In the second verse of the song, Cohen writes that "Jesus was a sailor..." Perhaps I love this song so much because I can't really fathom what is going on. The imagery and metaphor is so rich, I could hear it on a thousand runs and not get enough. Finding a decent recording of James Taylor doing the song on YouTube proved impossible. There is one live recording posted there in which he seems to have a sore throat. So isntead I will include here a recording of Cohen himself doing the song, along with Judy Collins, as recorded three decades ago.

Here is another song by James Taylor, the great bard of Chapel Hill, NC.

1 comment:

  1. I've always liked that song, Suzanne, though I'd never thought about the metaphors before. I wish I was smart enough to really understand the metaphors. I will do some pondering. Love that JT song. It's just a lovely ride...the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time. Yes, that says it all.
